As gross as it sounds this diet along with exercise really is effective when it comes to loosing weight.
It all comes down to knowing what baby food to buy because there is no point in trying to loose weight by forcing gross disgusting tasting food down your throat as that will never work. It's all about enjoying what you eat. This is exactly why when I'm on this diet I stay away from the icky vegetable flavoured pots and instead go for the yummy fruit flavoured ones as they basically taste like fruit sorbets.
The diet consists of 2/3 meals being substituted for baby food. I choose breakfast and lunch
Breakfast: So I usually begin my day with either...
The Cow & Gate Creamed Porridge
or The Cow & Gate Banana Cookie Crumble
Cow & Gate A Taste of Apple (Tastes like apple pie)
HiPP Organic Apple & Blueberry Dessert
Dessert: I never forget Dessert after my dinner. But why ruin a good day of dieting with temptation when there is a yummy alternative...
Heinz Vanilla Custard puts Ambrosia and Angel Delight to shame
If you're feeling peckish don't reach for the cookie jar, reach for these instead...
Heinz Farley's Rusks. Taste B E A Utiful when dunked in milk (Semi-Skimmed) Forget the Oreos.