Screw all those celebrity diets that claim you can lose mountains of weight in weeks personally It's all a load of garbage to me. My secret to speeding up my metabolism and loosing weight has been drinking 3-4 cups of Green Tea a day. The reason why Green Tea is great to include in your diet if you're trying to drop a few pounds is because it is a natural laxative meaning you end up going to the toilet more frequently and not only that but it's also an appetite suppressant which means it gets rid of your cravings for food so you can avoid the snack attack and eat a whole lot less keeping those unwanted calories at bay. My favourite brand of Green Tea is Twinings as it gives a pure and natural light refreshing taste. To enjoy the taste of Green Tea and avoid it tasting bitter don't boil the water all the way as this will burn the tea and make sure to only leave the bag in for 1-2 minutes.