If I had a world of my own everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't.

Follow me :)


Sunday, 15 January 2012

Konichiwa Bitches

After deleting my 4th blog, which was yet again just another failed blog, I figured I'd give up on this blogging as a whole. But then new years happened and I'm a sucker for new years resolutions, which ironically I never keep. But being 2012 in all, which I have a feeling will be a good year indeed, I made a resolution to not quit what I started, which is something I am very good at. The first way to uphold this resolution is to start blogging again. Unlike the other blogs where I end up creating traffic and abandon it completely purely from laziness and lack of patience, I pledge to make this blog successful by posting at least once everyday. I realise no one is reading this at the moment awkward lol but then again so many bloggers start with nothing so all I need to have is a little patience


  1. Konichiwa! Thanks for dropping by my blog. Great to see you haven't abandoned blogging completely. I think you just need to create a stronger community and have a few blogging friends to keep you motivated, as well as reading other blogger's posts to get inspiration.

    I had abandoned many blogs before as well and I'm determined to keep my current one! It's been four months so far and I'm having a great time. Hope you will have a great time too. By the way I just hit the follow button so follow me back at


    Stay Stylish x

  2. I know I just love blogging so samee im not making a new one after this! ill just have to be patient but eventually it will pay off. And wow only 4 months and already your blog is pretty successful, thats dedication and determination.
    Thanks for the follow hun much appreciated
    followed back =D

  3. Hey gorgeous,
    I know how do you feel but don't you ever give up
    and actually you shouldn't be blogging to people
    you should blog to your self
    to express ur self ! if you did only for you and tried to not care about people or visitors and the stat thing
    believe me u'll succeed !
    good luck

  4. That is so true, thanks for the advice. This time round ill go into blogging with a different frame of mind. All this support has made me excited now woo

  5. Thank you visiting and commenting on my blog.
    Keep going, I'll follow!! I'm curious what you will bring to us :)
    Hope you will follow mine as well.


    xx Magna

  6. Of course bbe and thank you :)


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