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Tuesday, 16 April 2013

30 Day Squat Challenge

So I've been recently reading up on the 30 Day Squat Challenge as It's getting close to summer and there's nothing I want more then a toned lean body with a flat stomache and a perky butt. Apparently this works wonders, I'm onto day 2 now and can already feel like its slowly starting to work. Ass like Iggy Azalea here I come. I am combining this challenge with the 2 litres of water a day challenge as thats also another good way to loose weight faaast as it flushes bad toxins out of your body. 



  1. I'm so trying this too! Definitely on the quest for a perfect butt for summer haha :) although my legs are already aching at the thought of 50 squats a day! Can't wait to see how you get on xxx

    1. Samee beach body here I come. after the 30 days are up ill do another blog post but already I slowly feel it working xx

  2. Attempting to do the same thing at the moment! I want a massive ass and a flat stomach....trying to plank as well, so much to do so little time!!


  3. Great post! Really like your blog :)



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