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Friday, 24 January 2014

Nails of the Week - Smurfette Blue

I know the official name of this tag is NOTD (Nails of the day), I'm not sure about you but I'm not one to paint my nails everyday, fair enough if you do but I mean thats just nail suicide. Once a week is how I roll. Anyhow I was never a fan of blue just not really my colour choice for clothes, maybe because it was the colour of my school blazer and ive just associated it with that but something about the colour of blue nails it's just grown on me and I'm really loving the look. 

So you cant exactly tell in the picture because of the lighting but the shade I have on atm is Barry M - Blueberry Ice Cream thats the official name, I like to call it Smurfette Blue because thats exactly what it looks like on. Gotta love good old Barry M gorgeous shades, high OPI quality, amazing price only £2.99. Loves it 


  1. nice color:)
    please visit me in free time:)

    1. Thanks :) and will be sure to check out and follow your blog :D xx

    2. Just realised youre Polish. Ja tez jestem :)


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