If I had a world of my own everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't.

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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

How to motivate yourself

Recently I've been feeling like life has been passing me by as I've been rather lazy laying around in bed all day in my jammy jams with the tub of Ben & Jerry's. Sloth and Gluttony definitely the worst combination of the seven deadly sins. Enough is enough rather then thinking of all the things I should be doing I need to get out and do them. If like me you've fallen into a rut and have been feeling demotivated, uninspired, the feeling of existing but not living, it's time to turn that frown upside down. 

1. Start thinking positively. I am someone who looks at a glass being half empty rather then half full. I never used to be like that but I let life get to me turning me into a sponge for negative emotion. I never realised before but holding onto negativity is like being chained down, it's very draining. So to set myself free rather then focusing on the negative I have re trained by mind to focus on the positive. I've done this by looking at my day and thinking of all the positive things that have happened, I also look at my life and think how lucky I am to have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food, water etc. Some people in the world find it a daily struggle to find food and water. I've recently got this tip from my friend its to stand in front of the mirror everyday for 1 minute and repeat 3 positive things you like about yourself. Eventually you will start to believe it. 

2. Get Up, Shower, Get Dressed. As soon as you wake up splash your face with cold water and have a nice cool shower with mint shower gel. It will make you feel energised and ready for the day. Getting dressed will also put you in a different frame of mind for walking around in pj's all day will just make you feel tired as your brain will understand you are ready for bed. There is nothing like the feeling of a clean pair of underwear anf fresh clothes. 

3. Eat healthily. Food like Pizza, Pasta, Carbs basically can make a person feel lethargic. This is why you see people after they've had a heavy meal take a nap. My body is very sensitive to the food I eat. If I eat lardy fatty food I feel heavy and tired, food coma. If I eat healthily I feel light and energised. Why I love to start my day off by squeezing the juice from a grapefruit. An excellent source of energy after all its a citrus fruit. Lots of water and green tea is important too. 

3. Get Active. One of the reasons why I miss my childhood was because I was a ball of energy. I've noticed I am someone who has to occupy my time with an activity otherwise I get bored. Whether its a part time job on the weekends, a gym membership or a hobby like swimming, horse riding cycling etc. Something to put my energy into so I'm not sitting around doing nothing. 

4. Change of Scenery. If you're stuck in the same place for too long it can actually drive you insane. Cabin Fever. Spending your days locked up in your room with the curtains closed instead of taking in the natural sunlight is practically like being banged up in a jail cell. Doesn't have to be a big change in scenery even just a walk in the park or visiting local museums, galleries, landmarks can do so much. 

5. Music. I love to listening to happy music because it reminds me of good times. My favourite: Daft Punk - Get Lucky, Pharell - Happy and One Republic - Counting Stars. 

6. Scent. Smell is an important sense to me because it triggers memories. I am in love with my new room spray. Glade Fresh Laundry. I love the smell of Fresh Laundry, reminds me of being outside on a warm Spring day in a meadow of fresh flowers breathing in fresh air. Just creates a nice positive feeling. 

7. Feng Shui your bedroom. I love tidying my room because I just cant focus with mess around me. Moving furniture around to create an inviting, cosy and fun bedroom will have a positive effect as you have created a positive environment for yourself. Also by tidying your room it helps you to tidy those messy thoughts in your head.  

8. Sleep. Having a good body clock is important, as going to bed and waking up in the wrong hours can waste your day and make you look and feel tired and run down. I like going to bed at 10pm as 10-12 is when the body recovers best, this is known as beauty sleep. I like waking up at 8am when the day begins because sleeping in till 12 just feels like such a waste of time and a waste of a beautiful day. 

The tiniest change in your daily routine and thoughts can really impact how you live and think about life. You only have 1 shot so get motivated, be spontaneous and make life count dont waste it away and wish, go get. 

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