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Saturday 31 March 2012

To perm or not to perm

It's true when they say people want what they can't have. The fact that my hair is naturally straight  is why I am obsessed with curly hair and envy those that have it. 
I'm still contemplating whether or not I should perm it tho as Blake Lively makes me think otherwise. 
But then again so do Aly Michalka, Hilarie Burton and Annalynne Mccord.


  1. I have naturally straight hair also, and when i want waves/curls i add mouse to wet hair and messily put it in a bun at the top of my head and sleep in it overnight. then in the morning its curly abit like the picture of aly. maybe give it ago :) x

  2. Omg thanks for the tip her hair is just gorgeous I'm definately going to try this out now!

  3. I have naturally curly hair and wish it was straight sometimes, curly hair is hard to tame, and wild in the rain lol



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